Wastewater Treatment ShelterCase Study
Equipment Shelters to Protect Largest Active Drip Field Irrigation Waste Water Treatment System in the Midwest
Water and wastewater treatment systems and the equipment shelters that protect those systems are constantly being refined because the environmental requirements are constantly changing based on new information and legislation passed at the federal, state and local levels. Engineers are responding to those regulation changes with system upgrades and improved systems for dealing with the water and wastewater treatment needs of municipalities throughout this country.

In Johnson County in Missouri, there is an elementary school and high school that utilize a lagoon on site for their waste water treatment. In an effort to proactively meet current and future wastewater regulations, the engineers at A Civil Group were tasked with upgrading the treatment system. After conducting site research, the engineers decided on a subsurface drip irrigation system, which utilizes thousands of feet of underground tubing placed approximately 10 inches below the surface. Such a system allows the wastewater to be processed naturally through the microbial activity and plant uptake. The irrigation system requires computers to monitor the activity and nutrient levels, and filtration units to properly disperse the liquid throughout the system. Both the computer systems and the filtration units need to be protected, and for that, Shelter Works’ custom engineered equipment shelters were chosen. With the completion of this project, this enclosure now holds the pumps and controls for the largest active drip field irrigation waste water treatment facility in the Midwest.

Satisfied Client Reveiw
Patrick M. Devaney, MS, PE, professional engineer at A Civil Group, said, “I had not heard of nor had I had experience with a Shelter Works equipment shelter before. My plans specified the shelter size, wind and snow loads, and an insulation R-value to ensure adequate protection of the equipment. I was thoroughly impressed with the equipment shelter provided by Shelter Works. The fiberglass enclosure we got was excellent, a very solid equipment shelter. The quality of construction was great, there is zero maintenance, and overall this equipment shelter is attractive, sturdy and made exactly to our specifications. I will definitely be tapping into Shelter Works again for other equipment shelters we may need in the future.”