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We recommend using a solution called Methyl Ethyl Ketone (or MEK) to easily remove spray paint from the walls of our shelters. The solvent has no effect on the gel coat, so the originally-intended color of the building remains intact. So if you find that you need a building that can withstand the abuse of clandestine artists, specify a Shelter Works prefabricated fiberglass building.

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Graffiti After fiberglass shelter, fiberglass buildings, fiberglass shelters, fiberglass shelter manufacturers, fiberglass equipment shelters


Who's Afraid of Graffiti on Fiberglass Shelter?, fiberglass buildings, fiberglass shelters, fiberglass shelter manufacturers, fiberglass equipment shelters

THE GRAFFITI TEST - Graffiti Gone in Under 7 Minutes!

We bought standard black and red spray paint from the local hardware store and “tagged” four different areas of a building wall. On the left-hand side, we used the Odorless Mineral Spirits and on the right, MEK. While the Mineral Spirits decreased the visibility of the paint, the MEK eliminated the paint much more effectively.

In addition, the solvent had no effect on the gel coat, so the originally-intended color of the building remains intact. So if you find that you need a graffiti-free equipment building that can withstand the abuse of clandestine artists, specify a Shelter Works prefabricated fiberglass building.